Inzer Advance Design

19 products

    About Inzer Advance Design Equipment

    Looking to take your powerlifting training to the next level? You’ll need the appropriate gear to help you get there safely. Our selection of Inzer products includes everything a powerlifter could ever need. We carry IPF-approved lifting straps, knee wraps, wrist wraps, power belts, squat suits, ammonia capsules, and even gym chalk—everything you need to safely push yourself past your limits.

    Inzer’s belts, wrist wraps, and knee wraps give your back and joints the support they need as you break new ground and set new personal records. If you’re in need of a regular competitive powerlifting singlet, we have multiple Inzer singlets perfect for the job.

    Browse our selection of Inzer Advance Design equipment today for the extra help you need to realize your full potential.